Tuesday 25 February 2014

25/02/14 : KEROZEN CREEK

Day 20, Taupo - Kerozen Creek (about 60km)

Departure from Taupo to go to Rotorua which is about 90km away. The road is mostly flat like the landscape around us which is composed of fields and small pines forest. Today, we want to get to Kerozen Creek, located between Taupo and Rotorua. 
Eventually, we get there late on the afternoon. It is a small place, quite peaceful and hidden between mountains and forest. A bunch of hippies usually meet there to spend the night together. However, before getting to the creek, we have to take a narrow path, going along a stream of hot water. Maoris people gave the name of Kerozen Creek because of the thermal pool which come deep from the center of the Earth. Like for the thermal pool of Taupo, the water is up to 40°C. Obviously, we take a swim to relax after this long day riding.
Tonight, we sleep around the creek. We ask a young couple owning a huge farm for a shelter. They accept and say we can pitch our tent anywhere we want. Actually, they are even quite happy to greet us. Wonderful Neo Zelander !!

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